
Pasar baroe - Jakarta

Walking Around Indonesia,

Visiting a shopping center is certainly a dream for shopping lovers. Esspecially, the shopping center was related to the history of the founding of ancient cities like Jakarta. If you want to try, You can visit Pasar Baroe (New Market) Shopping Center, in Central Jakarta. Pasar Baroe historically known as one of the oldest commercial areas in the city of Jakarta and one of the few historic sites that still survive, as the swift growth of modern trade center in the city.
New Market or formerly called Passer Baroe has become one of the economic center of Jakarta. Besides Glodok and other markets. But location is located in downtown. Pasar baroe makes more 'classy' than any other market at the time. This is evidenced from the many historical buildings are located adjacent to the location of the market. Among currently known as Gedung Kesenian Jakarta and the building Philately. Not only architecture that is widely available around the site reinforces the value of market history which is located in Central Jakarta city administration.

According to history, Pasar Baru Builed around the year 1820s. This is the legacy of the former Dutch era, precisely at the time of the VOC (Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) ruled in Batavia. Pasar Baroe is known as an elite shopping district, because of its location adjacent to the area of Rijswijk (now Veteran Street, Centre of Jakarta), a region for rich peoples in Batavia.
Name of Pasar Baroe, it is said, is inherited from generation to generation since the time of the VOC, the exact spelling Passer Baroe. There is no detailed information about changes to the mention of a Market Passer. However, it is clear at the gate entrance still Passer Baroe lettering, although people still call it the Pasar baroe.

Among the old shops that still exist today is Kimia Farma Apotek, Ie Seng Lee stores, furniture stores, Motel, Watches store Tjung-Tjung, and Optic store "Seis" (Tjun Lie). Tailor suit that has been used since the Isardas, Hariom, and Gehimal, and the woman shopping at fabric stores and Lilaram Bombay. Large stores that formerly existed among Shops and Stores Europa de Zon.
An American author, HW Ponder, noting that the emergence of the New Market shopping area associated with the end of the Old City of Batavia as a northern residential area. Because built on reclaimed land, with so many narrow streets and canals of water that are not maintained, the Dutch in Batavia residents eventually moved north a few miles to the south in early 1800s In this area, they then built a new area known as the Weltevreden, which means a peaceful area, or safe. This area, now including the area around Pasar Baroe, Castle Square area (Waterlooplein / Field Waterloo), and the region Rijswijk Palace (Presidential Palace). Since this is Pasar Baroe's move as a trade center and shopping area and surrounding communities Weltevreden.

Like shopping malls such as Malioboro Street in Yogyakarta, Pasar Baroe provides a variety of merchandise, ranging from goods premier, secondary, tertiary, until the quarter.
The uniqueness of Pasar Baroe Shopping Center, among others, there is a typical store for lenong equipment, complete with makeup of the players, you will never find in any shopping center.
Although it has been designed as an International Standard Shopping Centre, New Market concept also still provide a gap at the bottom of traders to sell. If tourists have time, visit the rows of street vendors in various corners of the market, at dusk until dawn. The local government has planned a New Market (at night) will be the market of the people who will not only provide grocery items, clothing, and shoes, but also selling wide variety of foods and beverages, so as to create a culinary tour of the exotic and exciting.

 Besides shopping, tourists can also witness the annual event (coinciding with the anniversary of Jakarta (each dated June 22nd), which is regularly held in New Market, namely "Pasar Baroe Festival". The festival is usually concentrated in Ciliwung River which is located adjacent to the Pasar Baroe and hosted from morning until evening. The event is presented in this festival, among others, drag race boat, race boat ornamental, Fighting pillow over time, climbing nut on top of time, store decorating contest, and contest modifications crocodile bread (Traditional bread of Betawi). According to the story, this annual festival is a continuation of tradition "Peh Cun" party organized by the Chinese community in Pasar Baroe.

 First, Peh Cun held on the 5th of the month 5 in the Chinese calendar. At the party, the Pasar Baroe traders, whether Chinese or not, for a moment forget its trading activities and the droves came to the edge of Ciliwung River to enliven the tradition of organizing Peh Cun. The main events are often held in this party is the boat races to fight over leafy bamboo sticks tied a handkerchief. Placed on a bamboo opium worth 32 cents a pack. wawwwwwww... it's nice... hehehe...

So, Enjoying Walking Around Indonesia.

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