
Kerak Telor - betawi typical native food

Walking Around Indonesia,
Still talking about the culinary in jakarta. The crust is the egg which is one of typical regional food from Betawi. These foods are made from materials such as white glutinous rice, eggs, chicken or duck egg, ebi (dried shrimp) and grated coconut dry roasted, and fried onions, red peppers, kencur, ginger, pepper, salt and sugar as complementary seasoning.

to make this food is quite unique because it is not cooked on the stove, but cooked on a bonfire. Traders occasionally invert pan crust egg so that the surface of the crust is well baked eggs and cooked through while fan with traditional fan (kipas) to keep the embers burning. After drying and crust cooked egg ready to be served

Who would have thought but if the crust of the egg used to be the most expensive food when the Dutch colonial era. The reason, the crust egg became the most expensive food because some materials used to process them very rarely consumed by the people of Indonesia. Moreover, limiting the consumption of colonial Indonesian society at that time.

that's way in colonial times only certain people or among the gentry who could enjoy the delights of Betawi egg crust.

But now, With a very affordable price which is about Rp.5000 to Rp.7500. you've can buy and enjoyed a portion of the crust of this egg.

To get a Pitung's (Pitung is a betawiness heros) favorite food is somewhat difficult. Only a limited presence began when Jakarta's birthday held at the Jakarta Fair. But when the regular day traders rather rare egg crust, only in some places. In Kampung Setu Babakan majority are native Betawi and included in the environmental community that preserved their culture by the Government of Jakarta's crust egg a little easier to find. Saturday and Sunday is the busiest day to sell, because visitors usually come on holiday. For crust egg merchant, the day when the most awaited holiday because on that day they were pretty good turnover. If regular day, traders generally sell only eggs crust in places like the crowd in the court of the mall and it was not too much turnover.

Interested to try the crust of the egg?
So, Enjoying Walking Around Indonesia.

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