

 Walking Around Indonesia,
jakarta at night
 Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, a mega city with a population of more than 8 million inhabitants. Jakarta has a long history characterized by many aspects, thus affecting the lives of its people now.
Since the 5th century, ships from China and Champa (Vietnam), and other islands anchored in the estuary of the river came Ciliwung. Traders from India and the Portuguese also came to this small town to find spices from the Moluccas. Sailors came from Java to offer rice and other crops. Almost all people who come from West and East Jakarta leave traces that affect the present.

Jakarta, with its long history, has a historic old building, which indicates the beginning of the old town of Jakarta is located. The entire building is located in the historic "City", an old town located on the edge of the river Ciliwung. Slightly towards the south, there is the Fish Market, a forerunner of the city that grew to more than eight million inhabitants.

Today Jakarta is the center of government, commercial centers, and industrial center. Jakarta area today is 661.52 km2 to 7000 km2 land area and almost to the sea area, and inhabited by more than 8 million inhabitants. With a long historical background, Jakarta is the center for commerce, industry, culture and politics. Nearly 70% of all money circulating in Indonesia, circulating in Jakarta, where national and foreign banks are mushrooming, as well as a growing number of skyscrapers looming around the corner of the city.

If you've never been to Jakarta, we recommend you to take package tours that we provide. This is so you do not get stuck in traffic and not getting the best information you get when joined in groups of tourists

So, Enjoying Walking Around Indonesia

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