
Ondel ondel

Walking around Indonesia,
If you visit at certain times, especially on the anniversary of Jakarta. You will watch a traditional Betawi spectacle that you can enjoy.
His name is ondel-ondel, Ondel-ondel Betawi is a form of folk performances that often appear in people's parties. It seems ondel-ondel portray ancestors or ancestors who always keep their grandchildren or a resident of a village.

Dance Jaipong Traditional Art of West Java

Walking around indonesia.

If you visiting West Java in indonesia, you'll found a famous dancing with the name Jaipong/
Jaipong is One art of west java, Jaipongan is a genre of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. His attention to folk art, one of which is Tap Tilu know and know very well make Treasury dance movement patterns of the tradition that existed at Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Motions openings, pencugan, and several kinds of motion nibakeun mincid of some art above has enough inspiration to develop a dance or art that is now known as Jaipongan. As a social dances, dance Jaipong successfully developed by Sundanese artist becomes a dance that socialized and very loved by the people of West Java (in particular), even popular until outside West Java.

overview district karawang

Walking Around Indonesia,

The word appears in the text karawang poet Manik from the late 15th century or early 16th century. Manik poet writes as follows:

leteng karang ti Karawang,
        leteng susuh ti Malayu,
        pamuat aki puhawang.
        Dipinangan pinang tiwi,
        pinang tiwi ngubu cai,

Paragliding in Puncak Pass

Walking around indonesia,
When you visiting bogor, puncak pass cipanas bogor is one of a famous tourist locations. The puncak pass   plateau is located in the area of ​​Cisarua, Bogor regency, West Java. Puncak Pass is the highest point ranging from 10 km from Bogor, ranging from Ciawi to Cipanas and has a height of 1900 above sea level.

Asinan Bogor

Walking around Indonesia,

Trips to the city of Bogor will be complete until they've been tasting this culinary city rain on this one. Bogor is pickled in which the various pieces of fruit are spicy tamarind sauce. It is fresh, especially when eaten during the day right. Ordinary citizens of the city of Bogor Bogor enjoy this pickle chips accompanied with yellow noodles. It would be more exciting.

Tajur Bags shop area

Walking Around Indonesia,
  Are you Want to buy a bag But wanted to see a large selection of forms, brands, and colors?

You can Visiting Tajur Bogor! Here you can go to the stores instead of just one or two bags, but more than ten stores with a large capacity bag. This means lots of choices of form, function, and price, which may correspond to your search. Some stores in Jakarta and its surrounding bag reportedly also made ​​Tajur as a supplier bags they sell.


lake color

Walking Around Indonesia,
Ancient times, there is a kingdom in West Java called Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan is a prosperous and peaceful kingdom. People live in peace and prosper as led by the wise king. Kutatanggeuhan king named King and queen named Queen Suwartalaya Purbamanah. The king and queen sangant work that led wise so prosperous and peaceful.
All very pleasant. Unfortunately, the King and his wife have not had children. It makes the royal couple was very sad. Advisory King suggested, that they adopt a child. But the King and Queen did not agree. "For us, the biological child is better than adopted children," they said.